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Crossroads Primary School, Kilrea


8th Sep 2023
PRIMARY 7 and PRIMARY 1 BUDDIESThe primary 7 children prepared beautiful cards and...
6th Sep 2023
🌟2D SHAPES🌟Today we explored 2D shapes and their properties. The boys...
6th Sep 2023
What a fantastic group of hardworking boys and girls.They’ve all made a super...
4th Sep 2023
TOPIC: THE VICTORIANSWe have been very busy over the past week exploring our P7 World...
1st Sep 2023
Our newest pupils have made a fantastic start to the school year. We are so proud...
1st Sep 2023
This lovely bunch of Primary 7 pupils are very excited to get stuck into their final...

2022/2023 School Year

22nd May 2023
Well done to all our primary four boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion...
22nd May 2023
They've been trying to beat the spelling challenge all year and finally on Friday...
19th May 2023
Today, primary 7 worked together to build a small fire pit at the back of our school....
25th Apr 2023
We had a lovely morning with our Castleroe friends at Portglenone Forest. The sun...