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Crossroads Primary School, Kilrea

News - Primary 1 Mrs McKeown

17th May 2024
P2 have been busy finding the lengths and widths of classroom items using life size...
17th May 2024
P1/2 discovered a great surprise in their classroom…a dinosaur egg, a story...
1st May 2024
26th Apr 2024
As part of the Sustrans Big Pedal scheme, we brought our bikes, scooters and carts...
26th Apr 2024
Everyone dressed in their brightest colours to take part in the rainbow races for...
27th Mar 2024
Our boys and girls had a brilliant time during our fun day! A lucky bunch of boys...
26th Mar 2024
Primary One and Two are so excited to receive new 25 new story sacks which have kindly...
7th Feb 2024
Today everyone went outside and showed off their best dance moves! Everyone had a...