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Crossroads Primary School, Kilrea


29th Sep 2023
🌟NATIONAL TEACHING ASSISTANT DAY!🌟Teaching assistants are the superheroes...
20th Sep 2023
🏃🏻‍♀️NATIONAL FITNESS DAY🏃🏽‍♂️Today...
18th Sep 2023
🌟P.E. with our new coach Eoin🌟Today we met our new P.E. coach, Eoin...
8th Sep 2023
PRIMARY 7 and PRIMARY 1 BUDDIESThe primary 7 children prepared beautiful cards and...
6th Sep 2023
🌟2D SHAPES🌟Today we explored 2D shapes and their properties. The boys...
6th Sep 2023
What a fantastic group of hardworking boys and girls.They’ve all made a super...
4th Sep 2023
TOPIC: THE VICTORIANSWe have been very busy over the past week exploring our P7 World...
1st Sep 2023
Our newest pupils have made a fantastic start to the school year. We are so proud...